
Living for Christ in the Daily Grind
By J. Heinrich Arnold
Perhaps the hardest thing about following Christ is translating our good intentions into deeds. Is discipleship possible amid the stresses of modern life? Can Christ bring about lasting change in our lives? How can we be centered on him, when everything seems to pull us apart?
From the Foreword by Henri Nouwen:
Arnold is not a pious, sentimental guide. Every word he speaks comes from his experience in community, where discipleship is lived. It is in community that we are tested and purified. It is in community that we learn what forgiveness and healing are all about. It is in community that we learn who our neighbor is. Community is the true school of love. Arnold lived community all of his life. He knew its demands and its rewards. Most of all, he knew that it is in community that we encounter the Christ of the Gospel.
I am very grateful for this book. It is a prophetic book in a time in which few people dare to speak unpopular but truly healing words.
I pray that those who read this book won't be afraid to be confronted, and I trust that the word of God that comes to them through it will bring true comfort, true consolation, true hope, and true courage.
Henri Nouwen